I decided it was time for some new photos! Babies at this age are so darned hard to photograph because they don't sit still long enough! But, I did my best and here are some shots.

Tyler's new favorite game is crawling between the couch and the wall.

Zach looks less than thrilled this morning

Tyler can now climb up on pretty much anything by himself, including the couches. So here he is showing off to me that he made it up on his own.

We have a big exercise ball and Zachary loves bouncing against it
It's so true that photographing toddlers is nearly impossiable. I've been working on that perfect Christmas shot for a long time! And don't even get me started on getting a good shot with both of them in it.
I see Tyler has the ever present lovie blanket on the trek with him behind the couch too!
Getting up on the couch is like climbing a mountain to a toddler...great job little man! Aren't the exercise balls fun!?
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