That was the question of the day. We got a new sandbox on Craigs List and so today was the day to try it out. The boys have never felt sand, and as you can see below, their first reaction was to basically scream and cry.

But, after several minutes of sitting there, they finally figured out that I wasn't just trying to torture them (and the neighbors who were listening to us) and they caught on that this could be fun.

Tyler decided that he liked to eat the sand. Below he is spitting the sand out of his mouth by way of blowing bubbles, which is pretty much his favorite thing to do.

Zachary never really got all the way in, but I did get some smiles out of him so I'm calling that a success.

Since it was so warm, Kathryn and I then decided that we should get the pool out and wash all of the sand off. Tyler of course dove right in. And a minute after, to my surprise, Zachary did too!

Kathryn spiked Tyler's hair which made quite a mohawk!

And Zachary (who will kill me for this later) was practicing standing up and taking steps in the water.

Tyler gets so excited. He actually loves to dive under the water. I went and got the soap and I bathed them in the pool so that chore is done for the day!

And here is the group photo!
You are the coolest mom ever! New sandbox and a bath outside??? Good stuff Melissa.
Two birds with one stone...alright!!!
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