For Memorial Day, I took the boys to my parents' house for the day since Daddy was working. We had a great time having a BBQ and planting a garden! Well, actually, grandma and grandpa planted the garden and we watched. The boys got to chase around their dog Taffy and play on the blanket in the yard.

The boys decided to try on grandpa's hat....

Zachary knows he looks pretty darn cute....

Tyler on the other hand isn't too sure about this hat thing.....
Poor guy! This has to be about the saddest face ever! He recovered quickly though and we had a fabulous day. I am so thankful that Zachary and Tyler's Grandpa Miles and Grandma Mariann love them so much!
How sweet! I just love seeing pictures of the boys. And I love that the summer is almost here. Being outside is good for my soul.
Hi Miles and Marianne, good to see you!!!
Melissa, your children are the cutest, but of course I think I say that every time I comment. :)
Taffy is like my doggie :) Laying on the blanket is just what he does too! We'll have to get them together to play sometime.
That little head will grow into that big hat before you know it - and you will look back on these photos and wonder where your little boys went. Mike and I were just talking tonight about how tiny Tristan was when he was a few days old. They aren't kidding when the phrase "time flys" is used!
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