Friday, October 10, 2008

Snuggle Buddies

The boys lately have decided that they want to sleep together. Usually I let them play together for a while, but then separate them as they're about to fall asleep. I always worry that they will wake each other up during the night or just not have enough room. But Wednesday night I told Mike that he had bedtime duty as Private Practice was on and I just couldn't bear to miss it! : ) So after my show was over, I went in to check on the boys and I could barely tell in the dark that they were sleeping in the same crib. So I asked Mike if he knew and he said 'yah, I told them that they could sleep together'. How cute! So I got the camera, set the flash, held the camera up over the crib in the hopes that I would aim correctly and this is what I got:
How precious is this?!?!? And they slept there all night without waking each other up until 7:40am! I think I am finally deciding that since they'd rather be together, I should just go with it and let them do it!