Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monkey See Monkey Do

Apparently when Tyler saw Zachary pee in his big boy potty the other night, he liked the idea of doing it himself, so tonight he took off his diaper, sat on the potty, peed, wiped, then flushed the big toilet. Whoo-hoo!!! Oh, and in other lovely news....the boys locked me out of their bedroom tonight! That was fun. Not. I had several moments of sheer panic until I said sternly 'Unlock the door now!' and Tyler actually unlocked it. Whew. Off the hook for now. But, I would suspect that pretty soon they'll figure it out that if they don't unlock it, there is not much I can do about it. So I need to be talking to Mike to figure out how to get it unlocked. Or at least take the door off the hinges. = ) I guess I need to add 'screwdriver' to my list of essential parenting tools!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I'm sitting here looking at my doors wondering if you CAN take it off the hinges when it is closed unless you are on the inside...?

Maybe it is time to change doorknobs to one you have a key for!

I'm still in awe of the potty thing...Tristan sits on his but so far not much interest in taking off his diaper and peeing in it.