Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The First Pee

Part of the reason I keep this blog is so that the kids will have a sort of electronic 'scrapbook' of their lives to look at when they get older. I love that they will be able to look back at the photos and stories and hopefully have some fun with them. So, having said that, bear with me as I write about potty issues. Recently I put the boys' blue potty chair next to the toilet in our bathroom so that they could just get used to seeing it and maybe would get interested in it. Last night, I took the boys' shirts and pants off and started the shower and was waiting for it to warm up. Zachary took off his diaper, sat down on his potty, peed in it, stood up, got toilet paper, wiped his bottom, threw the toilet paper in the toilet, and flushed. All without me saying a word. I couldn't believe it!!! Woo-hoo, way to go Zachary! I hope this means that potty training will commence shortly!


Tina McAdams said...

What a great kid! YAY!!!!

Tiffany said...

Your kidding! Hey, maybe he'll train himself!