I am now one year away from being 'over the hill'. Well, one of many hills that I will creep over, I suppose. It was such a beautiful day and I could not have asked for anything better. I spent the day with my family and friends and it was wonderful! I got to open one present this morning and it was this really cool Alligator pool which the boys and Kathryn spent 3 hours in. I had to drag the boys out of the water at 2pm to make them go down for a nap!

Last year I bought this and we finally got to use it for the first time today! It's a little toddler pool with sprinklers! The boys absolutely loved it!

They even brought their chairs
into the pool!

And of course they had to enjoy a little lunch at their picnic table!

Tonight we had a fantastic BBQ with some friends. The best part - Mike planned it and did all of the work! He did all of the cooking and everything. Thank you hubby for making my day special!

My parents got me the most
phenomenal chocolate cake from Costco. It was pure heaven. I have decided to start a new tradition and I think I'll get that cake every year for my birthday. Tyler helped me blow out the candles.

Then it was back outside for more fun time. Mike helped Zachary ride the scooter while Tyler drove the Pooh car around and Matthew and Kathryn played catch. I am absolutely loving this summer weather! Although mid-80's is much nicer than the 99 degrees it was for a few days!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend too!
I looked at my phone yesterday and saw it said "May 18" and I said to my husband "Oh, today is my friend Melissa's birthday!" He said, "the one that came to our wedding?" I said, "that's the one! I forgot to send her a card!" Dang it. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY...belated as it is. I'm glad you had a great weekend and birthday. The ironic part is, I was leaving Salem when the conversation occured. We went to Eagle Crest for a marriage retreat and went through Salem on our way back. :)
You still have 1 year left in your 20's...some of us don't have that luxury. :) Happy, happy birthday my friend!!! It sounds like it was a fabulous one! So glad the weather was beautiful for your special day. What other presents did you get??!
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