On Monday, we made the trek to the Tulip Festival. I was really cloudy and windy, but no rain. We met my parents there to have a picnic lunch and play and look at the beautiful flowers.

Duck races - that's my dad in the orange sweatshirt. I think this is the only picture I managed to get of him. How sad is that!

This is Kathryn's BFF Rashelle. We were very glad to have her join us for the day.

Awww, gotta love the giant wooden shoe wagon.

And my personal favorites - these horsey tire swings.

The boys think this is the greatest ever - it is a pipe slide. It looks and sounds so bumpy the whole way down but they love it!

Kathryn took Kylie up it (which virtually gave me a heart attack as there are really no rails going up or coming down and I kept worrying Kathryn would fall backwards) but once up there, Kylie didn't want to come down. But, they finally managed (and I said NO MORE SLIDE FOR KYLIE!)

Sand boxes with farm equipment

SO beautiful.

I am worried that with the size of their father and brother and how much these kids can eat, that some day these shoes may fit them.

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