Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thing 1 and Thing 2

For those of you who offend easily, stop reading now.

For those of you who can find a bit of humor in life, you might like this. Remember Dr. Seuss books from when we were little? Remember Thing 1 and Thing 2? Well, when my mom went to Universal Studios in Florida this past year, she found these shirts and just had to get them. She thought at first that Mike and I might be upset at 'objectifying' our children, but I personally think it's funny! Today was the first day we broke out these shirts. I haven't ventured out into public with them yet, but I'm sure when we do some little old lady will yell at me for being 'insensitive' or something. Life's too short to not have some fun. So here ya go.


Princess Jessie Pants said...

I think these shirts are hilarious. I will go with you to take the boys out in public. So cute.

Tiffany said...

I think it is cute and funny, and if people can't see the humor in it then they probably aren't people you really want to know anyway as they probably lead super boring lives. Have 'em wear the shirts!

Anonymous said...

I love the shirts...Wear on! -Tina