Ahh, yet another Halloween has flown by. I love Halloween. It is just so fun! All the parties and the costumes! When I pulled out the boys' costumes from last year to sell on Craigslist, they begged to wear them again this year. Um, ok! I saved a lot of money! So Zachary was a giraffe and Tyler was a dalmatian, and Kylie was an OSU cheerleader. Mike got the cheerleading costume on major clearance after last year's football season. We went pretty cheap this year!

We had an early dinner and headed to our church for Trunk or Treat and games. I love our church! And of course we had a wonderful time playing all the games and getting candy.

When we got home we trick-or-treated the neighborhood. Thankfully it was dry, but it was definitely a little chilly. Kathryn carried Kylie most of the way and kept her wrapped in a blanket. Kylie loves her "Ka-ka." I just love the bond that these two sisters have.

When we got home we of course had to examine all the candy. Kylie was telling Papa all about her candy. I can't wait until my dad retires on January 20th because he will be able to be at all the kids' events after that without being too tired or getting home too late after work.

Look at all this candy!!

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