Sunday, February 20, 2011

Matthew turns 16

I cannot believe it, but Matthew turned 16 this week. What an amazing kid he is. He is so kind and caring, thoughtful, great with the little kids, and always (well, usually always) eager to help out. I cannot say enough how proud I am of Matthew. Today we went out to lunch (his choice was the Great Wall Buffet...after seeeing how big he is, is anyone surprised he chose buffet?) and then had cake at our house afterwards. This is him, not wanting me to take his picture.
Mike got a Winnie the Pooh cake, because on Matthew's 1st birthday he had Winnie the Pooh. I think Mike is just trying to hang onto the little boy he was.

Tyler and Papa

Kylie's favortite thing to do when Gramma visits - go through her purse and pull everything out!

Zach got ahold of my camera and started snapping pictures. These next few are from him.

He is obsessed with balloons. Talks about them non-stop. So of course he had to take a picture of his balloon and made me promise to put it on the blog.

He did a pretty good job of taking a picture of Gramma! (I am not too thrilled with him running around the house with my good camera, as you can tell)

He finally smiled for me!!

His 2 little helpers, that love him dearly!


Princess Jessie Pants said...

16?!? Really!?!? Wow. Does this mean we are getting old???


Looks like you had a great celebration - that cake cracked me up!

Sharlee said...

Wow 16!!! Happy Birthday Matthew! Mike did a great job on the cake! It was perfect:)

Mike and Mindy Roth said...

I am dying laughing right now. The expression you were making in that picture was hilarious. Classic "mom look".