Apparently whoever made this worked on it for 6 years! Now thats dedication!

Mike fell in love with the Tillamook Baby Loaf van.

Face painting...Mr. Robot.

Petting Zoo!

You will notice a theme here. Kylie points at everything and touches with just the one finger. So cute!

We were unfortunate enough to go to the Reptile Tent. Tons of lizards, snakes, etc. YUCK! Mike wouldn't even go in, and I went in and stayed in the middle only to make sure my children were not eaten by some sort of giant snake. Much to my chagrin, there was a lady holding a red snake that the kids could touch. Oh boy, just what I wanted them to do. But I held my thoughts in and let them touch so that I didn't project my HUGE fear of snakes upon them. Tyler LOVED it of course. Had to have Grandma drag him away because there was no freaking way I was getting near that thing!!

Smokey the Bear! Zachary asked me a dozen questions about where Smokey lives, and what does he eat, and where does he sleep, etc. Gotta love the 'why' phase.

Horns!! Well, Mike corrected me (much to his embarrassment) that they are antlers, but whatever. Looks like horns to me!

More pointing, this time to a cow.

And a horse!

And then we got to do the rides. And yet another fear of mine: Heights. You will notice Aunt Trish and Mike in the car on the Ferris Wheel and me safely on the ground taking photos.
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