Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First day of preschool

The boys had their first day of preschool today!! They have been very excited but then last night Zach said he was scared so I was very nervous about this morning. I got them up extra early so that we had time to just read books and play together so that none of us felt rushed or anxious.
They were both so excited to have their own backpacks full of school supplies!
Zach posed right away for a picture but Tyler wanted nothing to do with posing. He usually doesn't like any sort of limelight and today was no different.

In the car on the way to school for the first time.

As soon as we got to school, the boys put their backpacks in their cubbies and took off towards the paint. They ditched Mike and I so fast!!

When I picked them up, Tyler was covered in paint and glue, and Zach had to tell me all about how they made pizzas for snacks. They had a great day and are excited to go back!!
And, I thoroughly enjoyed 3 hours of time just to myself with Kylie. We made quick trips to Walmart, Costco, and the gas station. Its amazing how quickly I can get things done with just one non-mobile child!!

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