When I saw the beautiful sun shining and bright blue sky peeking in the bedroom window this morning, I decided that we needed to get out of the house! Plus, Mike was laying in bed with a temperature of 101.2 and I wanted him to have some peace and quiet! We bundled up and went out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Then we played in the slightly warmer garage for quite a while.

Apparently pop cans are good for at least 15 minutes of play.

And then.....we have this little slide in the garage that I snagged and am just waiting for spring to put it outside. Well, apparently the boys don't want to wait until spring. I look over and there is one child, HEAD FIRST and halfway down the slide, staring right at the concrete floor. I race over, grab the child from the slide thus avoiding impending disaster and a possible broken nose, and grab a blanket to pad the landing. And grabbed the camera for some good video.
hee hee...so cute! You could almost turn it into AFV! - Tina
Oh my, very graceful landings for head-first sliding, I must say!
Oh my GOSH! Could they be any cuter???
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