A year ago, at 12:23am and 12:35am, my little boys were born. And I was ready! I had been on bed rest for almost a month and wanted them out!!! I had a pretty easy labor I think. I had nothing else to compare it to so in my mind, it was easy. I went into the hospital on the 17th with major contractions and then was sent home as I was not progressing past a '3'. The next morning my doctor said 'You're a 4 and progressing. It's time!' So off to the hospital we went. Tyler's water was broke at 5pm, and I got an epidural after that (NOT BY CHOICE) but it didn't matter much because the pump on the meds was broke and I ended up with no meds anyway! By 10:30pm I was pushing and Tyler came at 12:23am. Zach decided that now that his brother was out and he had room, he'd flip all around and have a party. He was now in a breach position and the doctor tried to turn him for several minutes with no luck. So finally he just decided to deliver him breach. Little Zachary was born at 12:35am.
Happy Birthday boys!
Happy Brithday Boys! And happy "you became a mother" day to you too! What gifts! What a wonderful story.
They were so tiny. You forget when you look at your toddlers running around thrashing everything!! happy Birthday babies!! You've got a great mom and a great family!
Happy birthday boys!! I hope you all had a wonderful day together!
I still can't get over how big a tummy can get on such a little person like yourself. And I also can't get over that you gave birth to not one, but TWO little human beings WITHOUT an epidural. I thought I was gonna die up until I got one, I can't imagine pushing without the drugs! But I'm a wimp.
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