Well, this week has been a crazy one so far! We've had a ton of fun at our house. Sunday I put the boys in Hawaiian clothes. Their grandpa Jim would be proud! It was just so cute that I had to show a photo!

Here is Zachary in his hawaiian shirt with Cranston the Cranberry

I found this hat at a garage sale and got it for 25 cents! Isn't it cute?

Then I decided that since the weather was going to be so warm, I'd get the new pool out so that the sun would warm the water. I blew it up and....here we are with our waterless swimming party INSIDE! But hey, the boys are having fun and that's all that matters!

By tonight, the pool water was nice and warm, so we decided to give the boys some cake for the first time, then put them in the pool. We set up their booster seats in the yard and gave them each a piece of cake. As you can see here, Tyler is SUCH his father's son. He LOVES food, and cake is no exception! He made quite a mess!

And then there's Zachary, who looked at me like I was nuts! One, we're eating on the grass? And two, what's up with this stuff in the bowl? He literally wouldn't even touch it! Well, that's not true because here you see that he is actually placing his finger on the cake, but that was seriously as far as he went. I think his face is just priceless!

Then it was off to the pool! Zachary sat next to the pool and splashed the water with his hands for about 2 minutes, and then he was done. He sat on the grass and watched his brother swim away.

And Tyler truly did that! He sat like this and splashed the water for about 2 minutes, then all of a sudden he literally DOVE head first into the pool! We all scrambled to grab him and pull him up out of the water! Then he sat in the pool and played for over 20 minutes! The whole time he was shivering away. He had so much fun!!! Kathryn brought down some of his bathtub toys and he had a ball.

Here he is with his fireman rubber ducky in the pool.
I LOVE THE HAT! I'm a sucker for hats - Tristan is going to hate some of the ones I've got ready for him to grow into! It is so fun to see the different personalities of your boys emerging.
It's one of my biggest thrills in raising twins, seeing that it's just a little bit parenting and the rest personality. Before twins I was stressed that I was always doing something wrong or not doing enough of this and thus effecting the outcome of the human we were trying to raise. After twins I realize they pretty much are who they are.
It just goes to show that just because you are a twin doesn't mean your personalities match :)
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