Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Freezing Time

I sure wish I could freeze time and make the kids stop growing....or at least slow down a bit.  But, since Matthew is a senior, Kathryn is 13 going on 21, the boys just started Kindergarten, and Kylie starts preschool in a few weeks, no one seems to be listening to me.  That means I just have to try harder to document these phases and ages in their lives, right?  My wonderful friend Lori Norton graciously has taken photos of all 5 kiddos during this last week so I can have some beautiful canvases made and have some great pictures to keep.  And Matthew's senior pics (including football ones) were taken by his aunt Christy.  I'm feeling very lucky that we got the amazing photos that we did.  Love them!  Here are some of the pictures.....

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