I have given up on doing photo shoots at picture centers. We have tried Sears and Picture People and I think it is just the 'stress' of the set-up for the kids and they never seem to cooperate. So I asked my amazing friend Sharlee Asay of Asay Photography if she would take some pictures of the 3 kids at Bush Park. Many months ago, I bought a picture canvas on Groupon and it will expire soon so I am really anxious to get it ordered! I need your opinion...which picture of the 3 kids should I use for the canvas? I will number the ones that I am considering and give me your opinion, please!

I say #1. I have no preference of B/W or color :)
Those turned out great. Sharlee did an amazing job.
I love the pink tutu one with you in it!
If I was a grandma I would say the one where you can see their faces. But I like more artsie fartsie types and I like number 3 black and white.
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