This morning I got to head out by myself to the Bellies, Babies and Beyond consignment sale. I love this sale! I come home with bags and bags of clothes for the kids for very little cost. Kylie got a new hat!

I bought the boys new vests today, and Tyler LOVES his. So much so that he wore it to bed tonight over his PJ's. Notice the OSU colors of this vest? (you're welcome mom)
Mike leaves for Montana at 6am tomorrow for the next 4 days. We will miss him terribly but I am so grateful that he is going to go see his mom and dad.
Thank you for inviting me to the sale! Sorry I did my own thing - I was on a short time limit. :) But I LOVED it too - it was awesome.
How do you hear about it? Is there some sort of mailing list that I need to be on? I love that sale too, but have missed out the last couple of times.
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