Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In Due Time

Well, I went to the doctor today for what I thought was my 15 week checkup. Last time I was in I had an ultrasound, and they said that based on the baby's size, my due date has shifted 3 weeks later and is now August 10th. Which means I'm only 12 weeks. Ugh. And, that means 3 weeks more of being pregnant in the summer heat. BUT, it is all good. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat today which is beating strong. AND, my doctor, who I absolutely LOVE, had told me at my last appointment that he was going to drop his OB insurance as of August 1st due to the high insurance premiums so it was a good thing I was due July 22nd. Well, after the nurse told me of my August 10th due date, I got a bit nervous (okay, I slightly freaked out) that he wouldn't be able to deliver the baby. When he came in, he told me that he wanted to be the one to deliver our baby, so he had already checked and extended his insurance for one month just for us! Did I mention that I LOVE him? So he said that we'll be his last baby delivery and he is really excited. I was so touched that he did this just for Mike and I because I know it can't be cheap. Everything is going to work out just fine and I just need to remember that God has his own plans, whether July or August, and I just need to be flexible. : )

1 comment:

Tina McAdams said...

Wow, what an incredible doctor! Shoot for August 10th like they's Dave and my anniversary...hee hee.