Saturday, September 19, 2009

3 years old - how can it be??

Wow, it is hard to believe that 3 years ago today my beautiful boys joined us in this world. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACHARY & TYLER!
This is Kylie after her bath. I can't wait for her to really get to know her brothers as she grows and for them to be mentors for her and look out for her. They already are so attentive to her needs.
This morning they opened presents with the grandparents before their party...

And their big gifts:
NEW BIKES! They are too big for their tricycles so they got 'big boy bikes', and they LOVE them!

Then it was off to the Toy Story birthday party.
This year we had our party at the Gilbert House, and it was the perfect day for it. We missed out on the rain, but it was still nice and cool and the kids played outside for HOURS! We had to drag them in to do the cake and presents and pinata.

My new favorite thing: pull-string pinata's. The kids had so much fun!
Uncle Matt and Zachary


Mmmm, food!
It was quite the party!

Aunt Trish and Kylie

And then the cupcakes....

And the pinata....

Held up by a broom (clever thinking Mike!)...

And the kids going in for the haul.....

Look, candy Papa!
Me too! I have candy too!

Gee, do you think they have enough presents???

What a great day! I love my little (okay, not so little anymore) boys!


Tiffany said...

I asked Tristan what he got to do today and he said, "I ate cake!" Made an impression on him. Glad they had fun!

Princess Jessie Pants said...

Looks like a fun party! Happy birthday boys!!! 3 years already, wow!