Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring, Maybe...

Today was the warmest day we've had all year. It was almost 60. We set a record for the coldest March so far. Gotta love Oregon. We were finally able to get outside for a few hours tonight and PLAY!!!

Kylie has figured out that there are airplanes in the sky and when she hears the noise, she needs to look up for them.

The boys found at least a dozen lady bugs, and 5 or 6 potato bugs. Also a few worms and snails under some rocks and in our garden.

Can't WAIT for this summer!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finally...Orange and Black

Matthew finally got a letter of interest today from the OSU football program. He has been waiting and hoping to get something from them soon! So far he has letters of interest from OSU, U of O, and Notre Dame, and has had some interest from some other smaller schools across the nation. My Beaver family and friends are very excited!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Break Coast Trip

Whew, Spring Break of 2011 was busy!! There was definitely not much resting going on, that's for sure. I feel like now I need to take a break once the 'normal routine' starts on Monday!

Mike and Matthew went hunting (rats...yes, rats...) for a couple of days and took our trailer out on its first trip. Then we were all off to the coast for 3 days with Grandma. It was Grandma's birthday on the 19th, so we had to have cake, of course. The boys picked this one out, obviously. The obsession with lady bugs continues.

What more could any girl want...chocolate cake and a telephone.
We swam for 3 days straight, and finally had to drag the kiddos out of the pool to go see something else. Went to the Mark Hatfield Marine Science Center and a lighthouse.

It was a pretty typical March coast weekend...windy...rainy...sun breaks...too wet to do too much outside.

We did get a decent hour in on the beach before we froze and had to come in.

Matthew and Mike spent that entire hour trying to build a fire, but with no dry wood, it was pretty difficult and unsuccessful.

I just love this picture and her sweet little face.

Kylie is obsessed with purses. Anytime she sees someone's purse, she has to drag it to them, whether they want it or not. So here she comes with Grandma's purse, through the sand.

The boys and Kylie especially missed their Papa. They didn't understand why Grandma got to come but Papa had to work. Kylie kept 'calling' papa on this phone and any cell phone she could get her hands on. This little girl is pretty much crazy about her Papa, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same about her.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Re-purposed Underwear

This is Kylie's new favorite thing to do with her brothers' underwear. At least she usually takes them from the clean laundry while I am folding clothes.