Sunday, October 31, 2010


I love Halloween. I love that the kids get so excited for it. I usually find stuff on clearance to stick away for the following year, which makes me even more excited when I can pull out new things that I got for a fraction of the price. This year's fun new (year old) things: Kylie's Happy Halloween Tinkerbell shirt ($.50) and her purple ghost tights ($.74).

I never did get a very good picture of them, she's so fast now! But this gives you an idea anyway. Unfortunately I got a stomach flu on Friday so we didn't get to attend a couple of events and parties we had hoped to, but the good news is that we got lots of time to rest at home, and no one else got my bug (so far).

Tonight we got all dressed up to head to the church's Trunk or Treat party.

Zachary is a giraffe and Tyler is a dalmation (fireman dog, as he says). Kylie is a butterfly.

Apparently he likes this more as a hat than to put candy in.

Kylie didn't really get the whole concept at first, but after the first few times of trick or treating, she would march right up to each house and take candy, then try to take more. It was adorable!

Here we are, heading into church.

I wonder what the weather is like up there!!

Zachary trying to kick a field goal through the goal posts

Kathryn was such a great helper with Kylie. Those two scored all sorts of awesome candy!

Fishing for candy!

Face painting - he got a pumpkin


The big haul. We are going to have candy forever, I think....

Happy Halloween!!!

1 comment:

Princess Jessie Pants said...

Oh my goodness their costumes are ALL so cute!! I love that Kathryn was helping Kylie - so sweet. Hope you're feeling better!! xoxo