Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day Parade

I am so thankful for our current and past military men and women. I feel so blessed to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Today my best friend Trish and my brother Matt and I took the kids to the Veteran's Day parade in Albany. We used to go every year growing up, so I was excited to get to go today.

It was PERFECT weather!! Look at that beautiful blue sky!

There were over 300 motorcycles that started the parade. It was amazing!!

Miss Kylie all bundled in her stroller with her snacks and juice.

LOVE the bagpipe band. My grandfather used to play the drums in a bagpipe band. Brings a tear to my eye every time I hear them play.

This is my high school band. Gotta love the Bulldogs!!!

A random statue of a possum on the street corner in Albany. Weird.

Happy Veteran's Day!!

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