Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

Wow, our life has been a whirlwind lately! I have so much to blog about!! But that will all have to wait. For now, you get to see our fun trip to the Great Wolf Lodge for the boys' 4th birthday present!

We stayed in the Wolf Den Suite where the boys had their own little den complete with tv and bunk beds.

The boys thought this was pretty darn cool!

Here was the view from our balcony...our new truck! Well, new to us. But I am not allowed to tell you the story yet or show you any other pictures until next week when Mike has the new tires and rims put on.

The adult portion of the den. Nice and cozy.

The Great Wolf Lodge is a great water park about 2.5 hours north of us. We swam for two days! It was great fun.

This was the scene for story time in the lobby at bedtime.

It was so nice to spend the time focusing on just the boys. My mom and dad kept Kylie and I am sure she had a great time too being the 'only child' for once!

1 comment:

Sharlee said...

Great Wolf Lodge looks awesome! We would love to go there some day. Looks like you guys had a blast!