I am now tagged, thanks to Tiffany. I am now supposed to share 8 random things about myself with you. And yes, I was actually tagged 2 or 3 days ago, but have been pretending that I never read her blog so that I wouldn't have to come up with my list! But, my conscience is eating away at me.
So, here it goes.....
1. I hate my middle name, Jane. I was named after my Aunt Dora Jane and I love her dearly, but I just don't like that my middle name sounds so country-bumpkin-ish.
2. I despise needles (and I mean, freak out / pass out despise) and yet I got a tattoo. Where is the logic in that?
3. I toured Europe with an Honors Choir after 10th grade. We went to 7 countries in 3 weeks. It was the most amazing trip of my life.
4. I am so not a morning person. Although, that really changed once the boys were born and I have no choice in the matter.
5. I so hate to exercise and I so love to eat out. Bad combo, but thankfully I am blessed with a fast metabolism.
6. My nickname was 'Melvin' in high school.
7. One of my absolute favorite times in high school was playing Powder Puff football. I was the wide receiver and broke 3 school records: Most Catches, Most Yards, and Most Interceptions. I got the MVP award.
8. I am completely afraid of bugs and reptiles. I can't even stand to look at them when they are in cages. My friend Sean told me today that he may be moving to Florida and I tried to talk him out of it due to the sheer amount of bugs and reptiles there!
All of you bloggers, you have now been tagged too!!! So, don't be like me and pretend that you never read my blog. You know you did! I'm expecting to see your 8 random tidbits very soon!
Hee, hee. Okay - I'll admit, I read it! :) This might be the inspiration I need to do a new post!! :) I'll take your challenge. Hope you have a great weekend! Let's chat soon...
Scared of needles. How did you survive IVF?
IVF was a means to a greater end and something that I wanted so bad that I never even considered not doing it, despite the needles. I just NEVER looked at the needles. Ever. =)
Powder Puff football? You've got to be kidding! I would have NEVER guessed this about you! I would have been creamed in this game - not to mention I don't know the rules, but I'm a wimp.
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