Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lets Dance

So, I finally figured out how to record video with my camera and I got the cutest video of Tyler dancing. He loves to dance while listening to music! And, I finally figured out how to load the video onto the blog. And guess what? It's sideways and I can't figure out how to flip the image! So, if you want to see Tyler dancing, you have to see it sideways. Sorry about that. Now that I know, next time will be better.


Glory Laine said...

Good things for laptops. I could easily flip the image. Tyler must have learned his moves from his dad.

Kelli said...

that's adorable. I'm glad you got it on there. About the sideways thing, no idea how that happened. Hope it wasn't too difficult!

Princess Jessie Pants said...

How cute!! I have no idea how to upload a video - good job. Next time I won't have to watch it with my head tilted! :)

Tiffany said...

It is kinda like a little chicken dance - looks a bit like my husband! Just kidding!

Princess Jessie Pants said...

Do you have Halloween pictures!?