Saturday, June 15, 2013

Matthew's Graduation Party

Today we celebrated Matthew's graduation with friends and family.  I love this kid so much.  I am so thrilled that he gets to go away to free college and play football.  I am so proud - BURSTING with pride.  But man I am going to miss him.  I cry every time I talk about it.  The count is week and counting.  But today we celebrated.  We did a joint party with a friend of his named Bronson.  It was a great time.

This picture melts my heart.  It also breaks my heart.  This little girl is going to be heartbroken next week.  I worry that she is still 3 and will she remember Matthew and how important he has been in her life?  I am sure she will but I know how hard his leaving is going to be on the little kids so I am not looking forward to that.  But this picture is something that I know they will both treasure forever.  I am so glad that I captured it.

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