Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tools of the Trade?

When I was pregnant and doing my baby registry, no one told me to add Duct Tape and Bungi Cords! I would have laughed at them. But, let me tell ya, these are now the tools of my trade. Yes, parenting. You might think that with two of them, the cords and tape are for strapping them together to keep them from running around. But no. The boys have figured out that taking their diapers off, especially right before and after nap, is such fun! Yah, not so much. Not for mom who has to clean up the sheets when they get peed on! So, hence the duct tape for the diapers. It's the only way to keep the diapers on. And the cords. Well. The boys can now climb out of their cribs and what Zachary does is climb out and empty every, and I mean every, drawer in his room when mommy isn't looking or thinks he's asleep. After about the 27th time, I finally said to Mike, you have to do something! So, the drawers are now securely shut. Oh boy, what tools of the parenting trade am I going to need next?!?!?


Unknown said...

Oh no! I'm quickly learning you just do what you have to do when you have kids!!

Tina McAdams said...

HA HA, I love it!!!!