A year ago, at 12:23am and 12:35am, my little boys were born. And I was ready! I had been on bed rest for almost a month and wanted them out!!! I had a pretty easy labor I think. I had nothing else to compare it to so in my mind, it was easy. I went into the hospital on the 17th with major contractions and then was sent home as I was not progressing past a '3'. The next morning my doctor said 'You're a 4 and progressing. It's time!' So off to the hospital we went. Tyler's water was broke at 5pm, and I got an epidural after that (NOT BY CHOICE) but it didn't matter much because the pump on the meds was broke and I ended up with no meds anyway! By 10:30pm I was pushing and Tyler came at 12:23am. Zach decided that now that his brother was out and he had room, he'd flip all around and have a party. He was now in a breach position and the doctor tried to turn him for several minutes with no luck. So finally he just decided to deliver him breach. Little Zachary was born at 12:35am.
Here are my little boys just minutes old!
I think this is Zachary.
And if the above is Zachary, then this should be Tyler. They looked almost exactly alike when they were born.
Here they are sleeping nose to nose when they were just a few days old. Zachary is on the left and Tyler is on the right.
And here are my boys at a week old. They are such a miracle. After a long hard road of infertility and In Vitro Fertilization, God blessed us with these two amazing children. I had no idea how much one could love a child. They have made me a better person.
Happy Birthday boys!
Happy Brithday Boys! And happy "you became a mother" day to you too! What gifts! What a wonderful story.
They were so tiny. You forget when you look at your toddlers running around thrashing everything!! happy Birthday babies!! You've got a great mom and a great family!
Happy birthday boys!! I hope you all had a wonderful day together!
I still can't get over how big a tummy can get on such a little person like yourself. And I also can't get over that you gave birth to not one, but TWO little human beings WITHOUT an epidural. I thought I was gonna die up until I got one, I can't imagine pushing without the drugs! But I'm a wimp.
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