Monday, July 23, 2007


Tonight the boys were playing on the floor with Grandma and I and I couldn't resist taking some pictures. (Yes, I know - you are shocked that I couldn't resist taking photos of the boys to put on the blog.) They grow so darned fast! And each time I take a new photo I see more and more teeth!
Zach was having the time of his life tonight
Tyler has discovered his tongue and likes to show it off
Zach has some pucker power goin' on
Tyler getting tickled by Grandma


Kelli said...

I' glad you specified that Tyler was getting tickled. I thought I might have to send Jay up there :) totally kidding. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow? It sounds so cliche but it's so true. It's hard to imagine that the boys are going to be a year old in about 8 weeks and Larissa isn't far behind and turning 2! They are adorable as usual!

Tiffany said...

Wow, Zach has a TON of teethies! I'm sure Tyler does too they are just not as visible in the pics. Kinda makes you miss that toothless gummy grin a little bit doesn't it? Before you know it the time will be here to get a toothfairy pillow for them to see if the toothfairy will visit!

Princess Jessie Pants said...

Cute toothy grins...those guys are adorable.