Wow, we have been busy! Matthew had his first varsity football game (forgot my camera), and then we headed camping for Labor Day weekend (remembered my camera but forgot to take any pictures) and then had the first days of school and was so sound asleep since it was so early in the morning that I didn't even think to grab my camera! So, no pictures of those events. But let me assure you, they were great. Well, not for the two kids who had to go back to school and don't really care for the mornings. Oh, and the new dilemma in our house: who gets the shower because they both want it at the exact same time. Oh boy....I can't imagine how bad it will be when the 3 little kids all go to school at the same time!
Anyway, Kylie has started walking. Its so dang cute. The most I have counted so far is 14 steps but then she hit a wall and fell down. I captured a few videos of it, but every time Kylie would start walking, Zachary would scream at the top of his lungs 'She's doing it!' and she'd fall down after 3 or 4 steps from being scared by his screaming. So, I didn't get many good videos at all. Oh well. Oh, and the boys have decided that since it has been rainy the last few days and I have been trying to get projects done that they would form their own band. Two on keys and 1 on drums. And, today the drum set expanded to not only the drum, but also a pizza pan propped up so it is really loud. Of course this is all while Mike is trying to sleep. Mike came down today and said 'was it just me or was someone banging on pots and pans?' Sigh. Oh well, what can ya do? Gotta love their creativity! So, here's a few videos of some steps and then a glimpse of the kids' new band.