Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick-or Treat!!

Happy Halloween!!! It was so fun having Halloween on a Saturday this year. It was nice to not be rushed after school and just have a relaxing day and dinner before trick-or-treating. This year Zachary was a green dragon with 'googly-eye balls' and Tyler was a lion with a very ferocious roar. Kathryn was a biker chick decked out in all Harley Davidson gear and Kylie was a cute little bear.

The candy bucket makes a great hat!

Aunt Trish and baby Kylie on her first Halloween!

Zachary loved showing off his tail!

Tyler wouldn't let me get a decent picture of him, but this i shim showing me his tail.

Kylie tolerated the trick-or-treating very well! She fell asleep towards the end of our walk.

Tyler didn't want to carry his basket, but after every house he would race his candy back to Papa to put it in his pumpkin. It was so funny!

Once we were home, the kids (and as you can see, this includes the biggest kid of all) sat down to divvy up and trade their candy. Mike kept trying to talk Zachary into trading Kathryn for her good chocolate, but all Zachary wanted was her suckers!

Kylie was exhausted from her busy night, I think.

We were very lucky to have lots of friends with us tonight to help out. We had a great time and have enough candy to last us until NEXT Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

First Preschool Field Trip - Pumpkin Patch

So, today was probably the nastiest weather day we have had this month, and of course it was the day for the boys' first field trip with preschool to the pumpkin patch. It was absolutely pouring with sideways winds. After loading them in the car to head to school, I had to go back inside to change because I was already drenched. But the boys were so excited so I sucked it up and endured the weather. : ) I absolutely love their preschool program because it is at least 1-on-1 with the high schoolers. Today was no different. We had 3 people assigned to Zach & Tyler so I got to really just stay in the background and help when needed and let the high schoolers do all the work. It was fabulous!

This was the boys' first time on a school bus. They were SO excited!

Snack time!

Slide time!

Tractor/hay ride time!

The boys (and I) each got to pick a pumpkin, a gourd, and an Indian corn.

They got to feed the animals, which they absolutely loved!

Zachary was fascinated with the pigs.

More play time!

(PS...I have no idea what is wrong with Blogger...I can't seem to change the photos around to get them to line up!!! Grrr....)

More and more grown up every day....

Kathryn is really growing up. She is in 5th grade now, and she is starting to really want her hair and clothes done like a teenager. This was picture day and she straightened her hair all by herself.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rained out

Well, we got all dressed up today for the pumpkin patch. Rubber boots, rain coats, Kylie's pumpkin shirt....we knew we may encounter rain showers, but by the time we got to the pumpkin patch it was absolutely POURING down rain, and then the thunder and lightning started!!!

We pretty much got one picture and ran straight to the barn to see if we could wait out the storm.

Luckily inside they had a few animals and a slide so we were at least entertained for maybe 20 minutes before we called it quits and went to Burgerville.
Unfortunately my camera battery died so I didn't get any other pictures, but I think we'll venture back to the pumpkin patch this week to get some pumpkins when the rain clears up.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First day of preschool

The boys had their first day of preschool today!! They have been very excited but then last night Zach said he was scared so I was very nervous about this morning. I got them up extra early so that we had time to just read books and play together so that none of us felt rushed or anxious.
They were both so excited to have their own backpacks full of school supplies!
Zach posed right away for a picture but Tyler wanted nothing to do with posing. He usually doesn't like any sort of limelight and today was no different.

In the car on the way to school for the first time.

As soon as we got to school, the boys put their backpacks in their cubbies and took off towards the paint. They ditched Mike and I so fast!!

When I picked them up, Tyler was covered in paint and glue, and Zach had to tell me all about how they made pizzas for snacks. They had a great day and are excited to go back!!
And, I thoroughly enjoyed 3 hours of time just to myself with Kylie. We made quick trips to Walmart, Costco, and the gas station. Its amazing how quickly I can get things done with just one non-mobile child!!