Monday, August 24, 2009

Lovin' life with my baby girl

How time flies! Kylie is over 2 weeks old already, and I haven't posted many pictures at all! These are just a few random photos...hopefully I'll have time to post more later. I am definitely in love with my little girl...she is such an easy-going, laid back baby!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My beautiful princess

We're home and getting all snuggled in with our new little princess. At some point I'll write more about her birth story, but for now, all I can manage is pictures. : )
This was her first night home

She is a very alert baby

This is my awesome doctor and my dad right after she was born. This was my doctor's last delivery.

The proud grandpa

Very proud big brothers
I am absolutely in love with my new baby girl. What a miracle she is!
My friend Tim took a bunch of absolutely fabulous photos. He's amazing! Check them out if you want:

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Kylie Elizabeth Sommer
Born 8/8/09
7lb 3oz
20.5 inches

Both Mom and baby are doing great.  They barely made it to the hospital in time but luckily this beautiful little lady waited just long enough!
Congratulations to the Sommer family on their new arrival

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Still counting down....

I am still very pregnant. 4 days til my due date. I am dilated 3 cm's so it shouldn't be long....but I am starting to wonder!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ready to be done!

Well, I have one week to go. I have to say, I am ready to be done! This heat (has it been below 90 in the last two weeks???) is really getting to me. We went into the hospital on Thursday night when I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. I was told that I was in 'latent labor', the first stage of labor, and to go home and wait it out but it should be soon. I was dilated 1-2 cm. So, I keep hoping, any time now! I've been on walks. I've done all of the weeding and pruning. Grocery shopping. Anything that might help this baby come along. But I guess she's just not ready yet. So be it. Tomorrow I go in at 1:30pm and we'll see if I've progressed any further. Maybe I'll get lucky and get to stay tomorrow! We're definitely ready to meet Baby Sommer!