Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Not Much Goin' On.... our house lately. It's amazing what one little cast does to pretty much bring a household to a halt. Poor Tyler. He is so frustrated. He can't do much of anything! One good thing is that this has forced him to play by himself much more. Zachary has always been really good at that; Tyler, not so much. But that seems to be changing as he can't keep up with anyone else right now so he just sits and plays.

But, now, he has figured out that since he has to sit on the floor, he can THROW things and get attention! Pretty much anything he can get his hands on he throws. I think its his way of acting out with the cast on because he's never done that before. But I will say, I am quite impressed with his throwing arm! (Although not so much when he drills me with something upside the head). Mike is still hoping for a pitcher out of the two, so maybe he'll be it. So, here is an example of his 'pitching' from today.

And then there's Zachary. Like I said, not much is going on at our house. The highlight of his day was stuffing coupons under dad's dresser. But let me tell ya, he was absolutely fascinated with shoving the papers under, dragging them out, and shoving them under again. And yes, I had to record this too. I was feeling guilty for not posting for over a week! But let me tell ya, I haven't had much to work with!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Blue Cast

Well, its been an interesting few days. On Friday, Trish and I took the boys to the nearby elementary school to play in the grass at the playground. Of course, once out of the stroller, Tyler took off like a shot to the play equipment and beat us onto it. We think that his foot got caught in some of the equipment. So, on Saturday morning, we took him in as he couldn't put any weight on his foot. The nurse practitioner took some x-rays and said 'everything looks fine'. Then 3 hours later she calls me at home and says 'it looks like both bones are fractured. See your doctor Monday afternoon'.
I basically sit and worry until this morning when I call into the doctor to see if he has looked at the x-rays. His nurse tells me 'he doesn't see any fracture. But is he putting any weight on it?' The answer is no. So she consults with the doctor, who then says 'come see me'.
So we trek in this afternoon and he says 'well, there's no fracture on these films. But, I wonder if there's something above where we x-rayed'. So, back to the x-ray machine.
And sure enough, Tyler does have a broken leg. ABOVE where the other lady thought it was. He has a spiral fracture that is below the knee. Basically it sounds like his foot got stuck and his leg twisted. Because it's a two-joint fracture (meaning that if either the knee or the ankle joints get moved, it will affect the break), Tyler gets this HUGE cast!, fun, fun. Not. Tyler gets this cast for 3 weeks, then it gets cut off for more x-rays, and he'll have another cast for 2-3 more weeks, depending on how it is healing.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Can you see me now?

I can see you!!!
My friend Tiffany asked me in an email:
Can you read this?
The answer is yes, I can. Thanks to technology. I had my Lasik surgery yesterday and although I was completely freaked out, it went fabulously (and seriously, there was no pain) and today, although my eyes are still fluctuating and will for a few months, I am seeing 20/15 in one eye and 20/25 in the other. It is amazing!

Thank you to all who sent thoughts and prayers my way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese it is!

Today we took the boys and Kathryn to Chuck E. Cheese. I figured that on a Sunday evening, it might not be too busy. I know, I know....what was I thinking? It was a madhouse! But I still managed to snag a few pictures even in all the chaos.
The boys love straws and had a ton of fun with the tiny ones.

You will notice I'm wearing my glasses. If you know me well, you know that I never wear my glasses in public. But, I have been wearing my glasses for a week now because I am having LASIK surgery done on Tuesday! Yippee!!! So this should be the last time you'll ever see me in glasses!

The boys weren't too fond of the rides yet. They mostly liked looking at the lights and everyone else running around like crazy.

Chuck E. Cheese was dancing to the music and lights and Zachary just stood and pointed the entire time! So cute!

Kathryn started out with 100 tokens and ended up with 538 tickets. Not bad!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bundled-Up Babies

So cute after bath time!