Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July!!

We always look forward to the 4th of July every year. We get to celebrate America's birthday by going to the Molalla parade and spend the day hanging out and BBQing at my parents' house.

The cool thing about the Molalla parade is that they still give out lots of candy and treats. Kylie brought her Elmo Easter basket to put her candy in. Don't you love her dres??

That night, the kiddos took a bath and got in their jammies so that we could head home after we did fireworks in my parents' driveway. Notice how it looks like Tyler is wearing a dress? That is a Titan football t-shirt that Matthew's coach gave him. It is a Men's Medium. Tyler loves being like Matthew so I let him wear the shirt as pj's.

Notice Zach's ear muff thingies? He was all prepared for the loud ones. : )

Nice pj's with the rubber boots!

Tyler was pointing to the black snakes that we made in the driveway

Ooh, now we have to analyze them! Fun!

Kylie too!

When we did the bigger fireworks, I opened up the back of the car so the kids could sit there and see them perfectly. Tyler and Kylie loved it! These two are the best of friends. Tyler has amazed me with how protective he is of his little sister.

We hope you had a great 4th of July also!

Beach Day

I am so behind on updating my blog! Summer is supposed to be where things slow down, and you rest, right?? Well, apparently no one at my household follows that rule. A few weekends ago, we decided to take the kids and our neighbor Jake to the beach while the weather was decent. It was cloudy, but it was probably 68 degrees with no wind, and we didn't even need jackets! That never happens on the Oregon coast.

This was Mike's position most of the trip.

This little girl was FILTHY by the time we got home. I have never seen so much sand in a diaper before! We had a great time though...I am so glad all the kids love the sand.